domingo, 19 de abril de 2009


5 comentários:

Rodrigo disse...

Olá Hilda, bom dia!

Em primeiro lugar, cabe lhe dizer que você é maravilhosa! Ainda passarei um dia inteiro com você...rsrs

Mas só para ter a informação, gostaria de saber quem é a morena linda que está com você na 1ª e 3ª fotos.

Muito obrigado,

Beijos bem gostosos! disse...

E aí, vamos tomar um chope

Anônimo disse...

Dear Hilda Brazil,

I'm only nineteen, this is my first comment and will remain my only. I dont wont to spam you or ask questions thousands of people always ask you. I am a student from Germany and want only to pay my deepest and profoundest respects to you. You have truly made it! You are (after my girlfriend :P) the prettiest woman in the world. I really admire you since I think I would never have to courage !

Dont want to spam further.



ohh thanks mario,maybe ill be in germany for some days in the next months

Anônimo disse...

is this really your real blog ?! I mean dont you get spammed too often by strange people?
you must be famous with all these wallpapers etc.!!!

yeah tell me when you come to germany you partygirl^^! You must sign a photo for me ! (sorry but to me you are a celebrity!)

